How I Keep My Sanity While Working From Home: The Basics You Need to Know

Alright team, let’s have some real talk about how to work from home without going completely stir crazy. I know it sounds like a dream—wearing pajamas all day, no commute, and snacks whenever you want. But if we’re being honest, some days remote work feels like juggling cats while trying to be a productivity guru. So, how do I manage to stay productive (and sane) with a decent work from home setup? Let me share a few of my favorite remote work tips—because, trust me, I’ve learned a thing or two along the way.

1. My Bed Is Not My Office, and Yours Shouldn’t Be Either
Let’s get this out of the way—working from your bed is never a good idea. Sure, it sounds cozy, but productivity? Forget about it. Instead, I’ve created a dedicated workspace (one of my top work from home setup ideas). I’ve got a comfy chair that won’t ruin my back and a desk with just enough space to feel organized without getting overwhelmed. Bonus if there’s some natural light! And yes, I’ve added a plant—because apparently, a plant makes everything feel more put-together.

In fact, my plants have little magnet eyes on them I bought off Amazon so they’re always staring at me.

2. My Schedule = My Sanity
One of the biggest best practices for remote work is creating a schedule—and sticking to it! I love the flexibility of working remotely, but that doesn’t mean I let my day become a free-for-all. Most days, I sit down to my desk by 7 AM (because I’m a morning person) and end no later than 5. In busier seasons, I might start at 5 and end at 3 (because those early morning hours are SUPER quiet and productive). But even then – I’m still on a schedule. This helps me avoid the trap of working all hours of the day, which is key for maintaining a remote work-life balance and preventing burnout. Trust me, if you’re not careful, remote work productivity can quickly spiral into overwork.

3. Snack Game is Strong, But I Keep it Balanced
The kitchen is right there—so yes, it’s tempting to snack all day long. But I’ve learned that grazing non-stop isn’t great for either my productivity or energy. So, in the spirit of remote work best practices, I try to meal-plan or at least have some healthy snacks on hand (alongside my less healthy ones, because balance).

But I’m going to go against traditional advice about taking a big water bottle with you into the office. I actually think taking just one full glass is better, because it forces you to get up and walk around a bit when your cup runs dry.

4. Breaks Are Sacred
This might be one of the more surprising remote work tips, but taking breaks is so important. At first, I was guilty of working straight through the day, thinking I didn’t need to step away because I was at home. Wrong! Now, I make it a point to schedule short breaks to stretch, breathe, or step outside. Trust me, it makes all the difference in boosting remote work productivity and keeping you refreshed throughout the day.

5. Over-Communication is My Superpower
Here’s a remote work best practice I swear by—when in doubt, over-communicate! Working remotely can feel isolating, so I check in with my team regularly. And I make it fun. No boring, formal emails here—GIFs, emojis, and quick Slack messages keep us all connected and make remote communication a little more human. Plus, it ensures no one’s left out of the loop.

So there you have it—my favorite remote work tips for staying productive and balanced while working from home. With the right work from home setup ideas, a solid schedule, and a bit of humor, remote work can actually be pretty great.

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